Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New Issue Sold Out!

Well, it isn't a huge accomplishment, really. I sold 21. But I also sold a thwack of my older stuff, and really, that much at a Vancouver con is ... pretty remarkable. So I'm happy. I'll be printing more soon to sell at Rx Comics and perhaps also for Sophia's Books. This is the finished cover to the left. Click to enlarge.

Reading Suggestions
And NOW it's time for me to recommend some of the great comics I've been reading lately. Thanks to Sophia's Books on Hastings downtown, I've been able to get my hands on some great french language imports.
I'm currently very much enjoying Le Petit Monde du Golem, a collection of short stories that take place in the same world as Vampire Loves, by Joann Sfar. I love Sfar's stuff... even though he put down one of my favorite artists, Craig Thompson, in the French press.

The other french comic I've just read last week was Fraise et Chocolat by Aurélia Aurita, a Japanese/French girl. (who's also my age, which makes me wish I was as successful as her by now) It's essentially a diary comic of the first few months with her older boyfriend Frederic, and it is surprisingly open about their sex life together. Although the point of view of a woman, the simple cartoony style and the fact that nary a nipple is drawn on the breasts throughout the length of the book helps you get past the sexual matters you usually might feel uncomfortable (or perhaps excited) to read about.

There's a lot more, but I'll mention just one more book I'm loving. It's called Cartoon Modern. The blog is located in my links section, but this book I have to mention again, because it is just so jaw-droppingly beautiful. It's the art and design of 50's animation. (my favorite period in animation history) You must check it out.

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