Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New Issue Sold Out!

Well, it isn't a huge accomplishment, really. I sold 21. But I also sold a thwack of my older stuff, and really, that much at a Vancouver con is ... pretty remarkable. So I'm happy. I'll be printing more soon to sell at Rx Comics and perhaps also for Sophia's Books. This is the finished cover to the left. Click to enlarge.

Reading Suggestions
And NOW it's time for me to recommend some of the great comics I've been reading lately. Thanks to Sophia's Books on Hastings downtown, I've been able to get my hands on some great french language imports.
I'm currently very much enjoying Le Petit Monde du Golem, a collection of short stories that take place in the same world as Vampire Loves, by Joann Sfar. I love Sfar's stuff... even though he put down one of my favorite artists, Craig Thompson, in the French press.

The other french comic I've just read last week was Fraise et Chocolat by Aurélia Aurita, a Japanese/French girl. (who's also my age, which makes me wish I was as successful as her by now) It's essentially a diary comic of the first few months with her older boyfriend Frederic, and it is surprisingly open about their sex life together. Although the point of view of a woman, the simple cartoony style and the fact that nary a nipple is drawn on the breasts throughout the length of the book helps you get past the sexual matters you usually might feel uncomfortable (or perhaps excited) to read about.

There's a lot more, but I'll mention just one more book I'm loving. It's called Cartoon Modern. The blog is located in my links section, but this book I have to mention again, because it is just so jaw-droppingly beautiful. It's the art and design of 50's animation. (my favorite period in animation history) You must check it out.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Bat Betrayal!

This is the Indie one with almost all creators and not that superhero-only, eight shitty back issues for $1 type of con. JAMES JEAN is gonna be there! HOLY SHIT!! GO TO IT! 11am-5pm.
I'll be debuting Space Jet Comics #3! 32 pages!! Featuring 23 pages of comic that have never been seen on this site or anywhere else!
I also have a new one pager in Cinema Sewer #19. Pick it up. Support Robin Bougie!
I will be sharing a half table with Gabriel Frizzera, creator of Isthmus, who will be debuting his incredible new stand-alone comic Heavy Metal Heart at the con as well.

K, now for today's comic. This is an OLD one. Like, 2002 old. However I still find it funny, and I figured I'd share it.

This is a jam comic by myself, Gabriel Frizzera and Karinga Wells.
I may post a few more jams with these guys later, I dunno. Either way, it's worth noting that they're two of my favorite artists.

Batman, Robin, & Ace the Bat Hound all TM and Copyright DC Comics, yadda yadda yadda.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Work Doodles

These are some ideas I scribbled at work on scrap paper. I'll post more later this week. Hope you like.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Space Jet #3 Cover Preview

Here's the major part of the cover art for Space Jet #3, which will be on sale the 27th of this month at the Vancouver Comix & Stories Con. (same as all the other cons but more independent, less superhero shit.) This is pretty low-rez, sorry bout that. Hope you enjoy the purdy girl. (as always, click to enlarge)

Friday, August 11, 2006

birdies and bat boy

Inspired by robin hall, I decided I'd do some bird characatures as well, so I' hope you enjoy them. Robin is linked at right. Also these are referenced from a bird book I have!
As for the other stuff, thats just bat boy, you know when your a kid... and you wanna grow up to be a super hero?

Monday, August 7, 2006

Sunday, August 6, 2006


I'm back home in St. Thomas, so now I have no excuse not to post more. So I'm gonan try to post a steady stream of crap for the visual savy.
PEI was definitly an awesome experience, and I got the chance to meet several awesome artists like Kyle Marshall, Christine Cunninham, Cindy B, Nathan Little, Jason, and Troy Little. I have most of them linked to the right so do check them out. They were awesome to work with!

well... here's a little taste of the film. I found an old fashion book, and I love the designs, so I'm gonna try to incorporate that more in to my film.
<---- this is done with water colour.
There was going to be more to this post, but.. scanner crapped out.

Also, a big thanks out to John Nevarez for posting me. I feel pretty flattered. Didn't really expect it. Again.. thanks!

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