Sunday, November 20, 2011

some new character designs

Here are some designs for a project I bidded on a few months ago, I think they're kinda fun

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Corus' Winter Art Show 2011

Stroll 2

stroll sketch
ink and water color

I'm contribution two peices to the silent auction for united way
that is being held on the 17th at the Corus building

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

mega sketch dump cont.

some harry potter sketches... I'll miss thee harry potter.

mega sketch dump (for me)

hola... here's some sketchy mc-sketches. It's just a bunch of stuff from my sketch book with an added bonus of royal winter fair.

Warm ups

another busy month so only warm up sketches I'm afraid

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I spent at least two hours...

...messing around with this one and I'm STILL not happy with it. I should've worked on the comic instead. But who cares - Florence and the Machine's new album is awesome!

I love when work is slow... me time to really get into a new Batman drawing. I also did a wee bit of work on the comic.
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