Thursday, December 29, 2011

Last post for the year

Very best holiday and New Years wishes to one and all!

I have greatly enjoyed visiting with my folks out east and since it has been regularly around -10 degrees C, I have stayed indoors; diligently working on my comic and eating sweets. I am nearing the finish line with only two and a half pages to go. (My hand hurts). I am really ready to get this project out the door. Its been seven months since I began it and I'm keen to start on something new. (Probably another Batman comic. He's just so much fun to draw!)

last post of 2011


Friday, December 23, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Card

I promised my friend Watson I'd draw him a Christmas card, and this is the fruit of that effort. (Although, now I realise I'll have to draw belated X-Mas cards for some other friends as well.)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Storyboard is over!

And now, back to the Bat comic! Will definitely be finished by mid-January. :D

And this is the last of my Walking Dead stress-related doodles.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Crazy will be over soon...

I have five or six more days of boarding full time before hols. Then I'll be getting straight back into the Batman fan comic. Until then: Walking Dead doodles! (Because in my world, and until February, Sofia is still alive and was found by Daryl. :P

Christmas card

didgital card




Well its that time of year , boy that was fast, here's my Christmas card that's going out this year!

This year has been very busy, but satisfying creatively and professionally. I believe it's all thanks to the people that come by the blog, leave the comments , and send the emails that have encouraged me over the years . There are some very Exciting things coming up in 2012 , and I can't wait to them share them with you here on this blog.

So :"Welcome Christmas bring your cheer..." "...Cheer to all Whos far and near, Christmas Day is in our grasp, So long as we have hands to clasp. ..."

happy holidays everyone,

Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 10, 2011 - January 2, 2012
Opening Reception / Dec 10, 7:00PM - 11:00PM

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Back into storyboarding full time...

...but first! Walking Dead!

a Legit portfolio

Hey All

I got some news - FOLLOW THE LINK!


Art of Water and an interview

I was invited to participate in a online store where proceeds go to provide clean water to people in developing nations, you can go here: to purchase and help out : Just in time for Christmas !

you can find out the origin of this piece in an interview I did with the Guys with Pencils a few weeks ago I think its episode 35, there is some swearing so headphones if your at home with kiddies or at work

and lastly here are some warmup drawings :

look for the Christmas post next week !

Monday, December 5, 2011

Two weeks... storyboarding hell are over! Finally, some time to draw my favourite characters.

Work on the Batman/Jim comic (as yet untitled) has been put on hold. I'll do a bit tonight, but the rest might have to wait until the hols. I'll definitely have it finished and posted by the end of January - I'll have 3-4 weeks off until the new show starts.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

some new character designs

Here are some designs for a project I bidded on a few months ago, I think they're kinda fun

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Corus' Winter Art Show 2011

Stroll 2

stroll sketch
ink and water color

I'm contribution two peices to the silent auction for united way
that is being held on the 17th at the Corus building

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

mega sketch dump cont.

some harry potter sketches... I'll miss thee harry potter.

mega sketch dump (for me)

hola... here's some sketchy mc-sketches. It's just a bunch of stuff from my sketch book with an added bonus of royal winter fair.

Warm ups

another busy month so only warm up sketches I'm afraid

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I spent at least two hours...

...messing around with this one and I'm STILL not happy with it. I should've worked on the comic instead. But who cares - Florence and the Machine's new album is awesome!

I love when work is slow... me time to really get into a new Batman drawing. I also did a wee bit of work on the comic.

Monday, October 31, 2011

happy halloween!

happy candy fest y'all!

Sisko vs. Picard 6

Been a while since I posted anything. Sisko vs. Picard has been done for a couple months now, albeit in printed form only, thus far. Here's one you probably haven't seen, unless you have the comic. Happy Halloween.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sample of page 6.

Just needs to be painted! Well. And I still have six more pages to ink...
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