Sunday, March 29, 2009

comic, and more comic.

alrighty, I've been kinda busy with work and getting up to speed so I haven't had much time lately to do my own stuff.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Post-It Doodles

Here's some Post-It doodles I did at work. It should be noted that these are from VERY small post-its, so the pencil looks like shit at this larger size.

An Ood from Doctor Who:

And a little bat:

Friday, March 27, 2009

chattin' over cotton candy 2

here's another drawing i did on the first day on the weekend project,basically warming up to the larger drawings I did on the Sunday,

this was an image that popped into my brain this week

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Random Junk & Shit Ideas 17

Incredibly I managed to get one more page out just before my Hell Week kicks into high gear. This month has had the most updates on my blog since January 2006. Here's the new page!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Random Junk & Shit Ideas 16

Well, this may be the last for a little while, as I ramp up for Hell Week at work. But then unfortunately I'll be unemployed! So I'll have all the time in the world to devote to this and none of the pay! Rapture. HERE IT IS. I hope you Enjoy.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Comic Con Sunday (tomorrow)

*Whoops!* I forgot to pimp this earlier. But I'll be selling the newish Space Jet #6 and all the older issues over at Heritage Hall in Vancouver on Main and 15th tomorrow, Sunday, March 15th. Pop by!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

Random Junk & Shit Ideas 13

Whelp! The comics never end!! Huzzah! Here's another page!I'm planning on coming up with another name once it's done. Can't think of anything. (Lemme know if you've got an idea, so long as you're not offended if I don't use it.)

chattin' over cotton candy

I took the weekend to do a bunch of drawings this one included to post over the next few months while I lock myself away and meet some impending deadlines,the drawings definitely have a theme to them I'll write more about it when more is posted up, that's it for now

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Albert in Illyham

This is a short comic I did for the LiveJournal group Illyham. Anyone can do a comic that takes place in or around Illyham and create your own piece of it's world in doing so. There's already been amazing stuff done by Eisner-nominated Tony Cliff and Ignatz Award nominee Rebecca Dart. Co-created by Sean Esty and Steve LeCouillard. Pretty awesome stuff. Check it out.

I haven't posted this to the site yet cause I don't know how to place part of it behind a cut. Cause LJ sucks. Anyway, here it is.

Watchmen Fan Art

I went and saw Watchmen on IMAX this friday and was completely satisfied with it. Especially every bit with Rorschach. That stuff was done to perfection.
This is my attempt at Watchmen minimalistic fan art. I drew it on a post-it with a pencil and a red sharpie. Enjoy.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Random Junk & Shit Ideas 12

Here's another page! The next 2 are almost done being pencilled, and the 3 following that are thumbnailed on tiny post-its. I'm having a lotta fun drawing this comic, I hope you enjoy it too! CLICK HERE to see the new page!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Random Junk & Shit Ideas 11

Stupid Photobucket took down part 7 again, and it's a pain to keep putting it up, so I hope you all saw that one. Anyway, here's part 11, finally. I hope ya like it!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I finished up at my current job and now on to a new things.
One thing I find tough about making cartoons is having to leave and go to the next job. But at least the common denominator is I always get to work with awesome people who's friendships I'll always cherish. Thanks pipeline for being a fun place to work.
Thanks for the good times y'all!
PS. brian, keep the sketch group alive man!
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