Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Lamp

This is another piece from my art show Good Girls at the Jem Gallery in Vancouver.
This piece has sold, but to my knowledge there are still 2 large prints available. The pieces in this show will never be reprinted as anything resembling a wall adornment again, so why not drop in at 225 East Broadway and pick up a piece from the show if you're feeling flush!

Edit: JUST in case there are any typography nerds out there, yes, in this jpg that is a forced italic, not a real one, but REST ASSURED, that on the ACTUAL PRINT, I guarantee that it is a REAL italic. I changed it before printing in InDesign, as Flash did not have the typographical capabilities.

Monday, July 28, 2008

painting.. sorta

I was inspired by a friend Marco and May Wa to tackle painting again. Its from a photo from Anyways, I'm always down for critiques and comments!

Friday, July 25, 2008

"One of these things is not like the others..."

This is a piece from my Good Girls show. The framed copy has sold, however to my knowledgejavascript:void(0)
Publish Post, there are still two prints. (yes, they are digital prints, but there will never be anymore printed (with the possible exception of at a fraction of the size in one of my mini-comics or somesuch.) Once these are gone, they're gone!

Monday, July 21, 2008


I was watching the special features to Jungle book, and there was bit of advice from wooly wutherman (one of the nine old men ) and he stated that "you gotta care about the story your telling. Your like an oral storyteller, and you gotta make them care about what you care about." I like that. With me personally I tend to draw for the sake of drawing. So Lately I've been focusing on my posing, and their expression and trying to think about what their do'n. I'll post more on teh story later. But for now he's some poes of some characters I've been toying around with.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Art Show Opening

I wanna thank everyone who came to check out the show, and extra thanks to those who stayed a while, and super duper thanks to those of you who bought pieces!

Less thanks are due to the woman who called me a misogynist and came up with the sickest possible interpretations of my work. As an example she claimed in all seriousness and without a sense of humour that supposedly the ghost from the cover of Space Jet #5 is shaped like a phallus and he's going to rape the woman.

Me in front of the Gallery
Me in front of one of my favourite pieces of the show.
My very large window piece. It was the first to sell!
The show still had people hanging out as late as 2am. A good night.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


This here is an OOOOOLD one. I did it in Illustrator way back in August 2005. At any rate, I still dig it, and I've been lax in updating of late, so here's something to take a gander at.

Friday, July 11, 2008

An Art Show Preview

This is the background to one of my pieces for my imending show next friday at the Jem Gallery in Vancouver. It's an art show of girl art, but I don't want to give away any full pieces yet, or no one will have a reason to go.

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Origins of Space Jet

I named Space Jet part because of the image it conjures of B-movie sounding science fiction and so on, but also after my favourite childhood popsicle.
Nowadays they're called X-Treme Pops, and a couple other things, but I recently found an old sticker on an ice cream truck that proves it was once called a Space Jet. And here's the proof:
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