Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lewis Trondheim

Thanks to Robin McConnell and Inkstuds, I'll get to interview the legend Lewis Trondheim in a few days. The only hick-up is it's got to be in french, so let's hope that I can keep up.

I've had 14 years of French Immersion, but I'm also about 9 years out of practice. Needless to say I'm nervous as hell, but it'll still be great to get to meet him over the phone.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Belli Wannabe

Belli is an Italian artist I love that was brought to my attention by Shane Glines' Cartoon Retro. This is a drawing I did that is based on one of his covers for the 60s Italian travel magazine Travasissimo.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Word Weavers

This past week I was a guest of my old stomping grounds, School District 60, to teach kids about careers in storyboards, and more broadly, the Arts.
Here's some rushed character designs I did for kids to use as a jumping off point for an activity I planned for them, and following that is an article about the function I was brought up for.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

work in progress

heys alls, heres something i've been kinda work'n on with a friend. Here's my rough pass at a page. I'm not sure if this is the finished finished.. but it's a nice start. Judging by the pace of ... doing a comic I"m hoping it'll be done by the summer end or sooner!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


warm up sketches from last week

this is a drawing from my up coming art of...book coming out in fall 08

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Nothing to post - no scanner!!!

Okay, I guess I could draw something in Sketchbook Pro, using my Wacom, but I've been drawing boards non-stop for 5 months, and I'm gonna draw anything anytime soon, so here's a photo of my great hair-do. *shrug*

COMIC JAM 2: Electric Bougie-loo!

Here's the other comic jam Robin Bougie and I did at Our Town Cafe yesterday. It quickly went nowhere, but I still like it.

Click image to Enlarge.

Monday, April 7, 2008

some stuff

k here's more sketch book stuff and some concept. The watercolours is a rough to "more finished then usual" of Laura secord. First and foremost I do not claim or have ever claimed to be a history buff, but... I do enjoy the story of how she helped win the war of 1812 (when the american's ... tried to invade). I feel like my sketch (in red) in red looks better. Anyways, yeah I plan to illustrate some of the happenings with the laura secord story.

COMIC JAM! with Robin Bougie

Been a good long time since I last had a draw jam with Robin Bougie of Cinema Sewer fame. We did a couple today. Here's the first of 'em. I did the odd panels, Robin did the even ones.

Click picture to Enlarge.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sleazy Slice #2

I should have done this months ago, but at any rate, here is the final cover for Sleazy Slice #2, an annual filthy debauched comic anthology created by Robin Bougie.
It's on sale now throughout Vancouver, and you can get it on-line from Mr. Bougie himself.
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