Sunday, February 17, 2008

I Punch Zombies Well

This is a realistic depiction of me rescuing my lovely fiancee from a zombie that wished to nibble upon her brain meats.

Monday, February 11, 2008

behold- Update!

Hullo all,
Well I finished up with Pucca season II and now I'm back in ontario just in time for winter- 3 storms and counting. Onward hoe to a really cool company by the name of pipeline. It will be good!
I really really enjoyed work'n on Pucca, and I will really miss the awsesome people I've had the oppertunity to meet and greet. I really hope time allows me a chance to get back there.
This drawing is a portrait of some very good friends back there who I had to many awesome times with. Its a personal pic done from photos in sketch pro.
If anyone from bc is look'n at this or... shock, agast! - reading this, I hope your do'n well!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Airport Kid

This is actually just over a year old. But what the hell, I've been shirking my duties here. It was some kid in the airport. This'll make me sound old, but he's one of those kids that just lightly sets the cap on their head rather than actually sticking the fucking thing on.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


This is my version of part of the FSB (Federal Security Service) shield. Also known as the former KGB.

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