Saturday, December 23, 2006


Merry Christmas everybody! I did this as a card for my friend Lyn, and this is a bad scan of a photocopy of it. So enjoy it as much as is possible under the circumstances.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Mail Call on USS Argonaut, Aug. 1942

I decided to look up some old photos and draw whatever suited my fancy. So here's one. I was happy quite with the results, even though I usually suck at machinery stuff.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Because I'm too busy to draw a bunch of new stuff, this here is a fake Starbucks ad I did for my design class waaay back over a year ago when I was still at Emily Carr/BCIT. It was an attempt at 50's style advertising, in the vein of Raymond Savignac in particular.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Fat Wonder Woman

I was inspired some time ago while doodling at work by having seen this a few days before. "This" being the Fat Wonder Woman Blog, featuring tons of people's interpretations of a fat Wonder Woman. I decided to colour it up quick, and tried to give it a potato stamp kinda offset feel. Still looks like shit, which was in part intended, but not quite as shit as it turned out. Regardless, here it is.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Jesus Dyed for Your Sins

Probably not in the best of taste. I apologize in advance. Still... I thought it was kinda funny.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Cowboys & Aliens

Hey all, I just updated Space Jet to the new Beta Blogger. Finally my side links bar is on the ACTUAL SIDE, and not the side at the very bottom of the page. The downside however is that on all of the older posts I was using Photo Bucket since there was no blogger image hosting then. So consequently you can hardly see any of them.
However, if you want to read them, 90% of them are in Space Jet print issues #1 and #2. So you can pick those up if you live in Vancouver at Rx Comics on Main and 8th, I do Vancouver Comic Cons here regularly, and will be at the Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle Mar/Apr 2007.

This is an alternate, unused design for my old property Cowboys and Aliens. (Yeah, not the ugly shitty looking graphic novel that apparently Columbia Pictures optioned, I had never heard of it at the time, way back in 2002 when I made a 3-minute animated promo for it at Vancouver Film School.)
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