Saturday, March 25, 2006

Handy Capable

I made this at work. I thought it was funny. I hope you like it, lemme know what you think.
Also, I just have NOT been able to get enough of this Bombay TV thing. You can create subtitles of your own for Bollywood film clips. Plus it's updated daily. Hours of fun isn't nearly enough praise. Share with your friends! Or in my comment box.

Friday, March 24, 2006


These are more pics from my adventure for donar's stuff. In my absolute numbness I came across them on my way home (near the go station). I like the one with snow the best.

I personally think they're awesome. Come on, how often do you run accrossed lean cuisine gloves? Really?

pip pip

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Work Sketches

Well, I realize it's been a while since I've posted a comic. I'm working on the new Zombie Beach, but my job has been eating a lot of my time and energy. At any rate, here's a couple more work sketches. This weekend stay tuned for my Woody Allen caricature that's not that great, but decent enough to be able to tell who it is. Aaaaand probly the new Zombie Beach.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Another Work Sketch

Hey everybody. The con went fairly well, especially considering I had very little space to work with. Although I also had heavy hitters on either side of me. Thanks again Robin n Fred.
I sold 28 copies of Space Jet #2, 11 copies of Filthy London Whores and 9 copies of Space Jet #1. Sellin' 48 comics ain't bad I don't suppose. Actually, what am I talkin about, it may be a new record for one con. Ah well, anyway, hope you buy one. They're all available at Rx Comics on Main & 8th in Vancouver.
I'll get back to more comics such as Pinky Blues, Zombie Beach and Un Chien Andalou in due time, but for now, here's another work sketch.

Friday, March 17, 2006


So there's not gonna be new art again. this is a sketch from the animal-bone-rom- thing last year. I love coloured paper and white marker. I'm on this constant search for the perfect white marker/pencil. So far all I have found is a wood painting marker at Micheals (a store I have vendetta with). I hate patroning a store that is filled with morons, fascists and people with social developemental problems.
Also, if anyone cares, I've recently been sick with bronchitus (sorry folks don't feel like looking that up) and basically bed ridden since weds. Yep, life is grand (for those who don't know me that well, I'm being very sarcastic). I was really hoping to go to toronto for st.patty's day... but no, I'm stuck home with vicks on my chest and not being able to taste stuff because I've had a ridiculous amount of dristan (the stuff you shoot your nose up with). And of course the medication that cost a whole lot. wtf is up with the price of drugs? SERIously. But I'm more vital today, so that means me, the pills and the puffer will be gracing/contaminating school tomorrow.
But at least I've covered the basics with watching movies. A lot of disney, and my fav guilty pleasure- Robin Hood: Prince of thieves. I just absolutely love that movie. Oh kevin costner, if you weren't old enough to be my grandpa..... I've even made some headway with my book, isn't this amazing? If anyone out there hasn't read "everything is illuminated" read it now. Its really funny. Now that you've actually lost a few brain-cells reading this, you may want to go to someone eles's blog listed on the right ---------> cause, they'll make you smarter.
Pip Pip & cheerio!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Caricature-type sketches

Hey so at my job at a sign shop my boss has a cool table chock-full of personal photos under the glass we work on. So I've taken some passes at drawing folks from the pictures. Most of them aren't great caricatures to be honest with you, but I stole the poses from it and I like how they turned out. A couple of them are pretty good. Trust me.

Sorry for the long absence, getting my new comic ready. Radio interview on Inkstuds on CITR radio here in Vancouver on Thursday at 2pm on 101.9. Comic Con at Heritage Hall on Sunday March 19 after that. My good friend Robin Bougie is helping me out gettin the table. Anyway, here are some sketches. click on 'em to see bigger.

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

New stuff!

I jest- the edvin stuff is from the begining of the year. And the hampster type thing is from last year.
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