Friday, July 29, 2005

Pinky Blues part 19

Wow! This is my 50th post on Space Jet!
Here she is, very delayed. Part nineteen. On the precipice of the twenties. If this strip were a person it would legally be allowed to drink. Which is what I will be doing tonight in celebration of Robin Bougie's birthday. Happy Birthday Robin!

...also in this time period happy birthdays to my friends Andrew, Jordan, Fred, and anyone else I'm missing.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Pinky Blues part 18

Sorry for the long delay in posting, I've been caught up in a lot of much more fun things lately. Not including the mundane classes I'm taking in school right now...

Anyway, I hated my last strip so much that it sickened me to know that it existed in a form viewable to anyone other than myself, so I've redrawn it entirely from scratch, and re-present to you now Pinky Blues part eighteen Redux.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Pinky Blues part none

Forgive me, this is the worst drawn strip yet, I can't believe the faults in size differentiation. I didn't even notice as I was drawing. I can't even use being drunk as an excuse since I'm not. I dunno, chalk this one up to shit, hopefully the art can't get any worse.

EDIT: replaced above by a new version of the same strip.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Pinky Blues part 17

Going to Bob Dylan tonight. 6th row center. I laugh in all of your faces. I can sense the jealousy, and it is warranted. Nevertheless I give you all Pinky Blues part seventeen to help ease the pain.

Science Grants used for Discovering the Obvious

This one is actually a full year old (and in part responsible for me getting work on Cinema Sewer) but I polished it up a bit and submit it to you as a bit of a breather from the Pinky goings-on in case that's not your thing.

Pinky Blues Thesis

I've kind of gone about this in the reverse order, but upon reflection I realized what I've been doing and on some level trying to do, with Pinky Blues.

Obviously, with a pink elephant, the tooth fairy and, now some concoction of Death, I've been using very iconic fictional characters. That was always an intent from the beginning.

But what I've come to realize is that, as opposed to one of my favorite filmmakers, Wes Anderson, who can make the mundane or banal (family, school, oceanography) seem utterly fantastic and surreal, I am taking the fantastic and surreal and making them utterly mundane and banal. And I like that. So I just thought I'd share some of my motivations with you all.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Pinky Blues part 16

Whew, steppin' up production here. Hope you all are enjoying.

Pinky Blues part 15

WHO is the mysterious figure lurking in part 12? WHAT the hell is going on? WHEN will Mr. Pinky and Tooth get hitched? WHERE will they get hitched? WHY am I speeding up the comic schedule?! HOW long will this fight last? STAY TUNED FOR THESE STARTLING ANSWERS! ... and MORE! For now, here's part fifteen:

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Pinky Blues part 14

I am many things, but if I am one more than any other, it's impatient. But runner-up is lazy. So this is either a bonus strip, or tomorrow's strip today. That will depend entirely upon my mood. At any rate, here, early, or extra, is Pinky Blues part fourteen.

Pinky Blues part 13

This time thirteen really is an unlucky number for Mr. Pinky.

Oh, also, I suggest you check out my friend Gabriel's new blog. He doesn't seem to update it much yet, but he's working on his official site as well right now.

And finally, thanks to Robin Bougie and Joseph Bergin III for pimpin' my site lately.

Monday, July 18, 2005

A second comic for today.

Did a few comics today, and I figure if I post 'em now it'll force me to draw more tomorrow. So here's another one. Just as a warning it's cheesy as all hell.

Pinky Blues part 12

OK, I hope everything in this reads well enough. My inking was a tad heavy handed. Enjoy Pinky Blues part twelve.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Pinky Blues part 10

Here's Pinky Blues part ten. Wow, into the double digits now. I hope anyone checkin this stuff out likes it. Feel free *cough* to leave comments in the comment box located below. *coughHintcough*

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Pinky Blues part 9

Here's part nine of Pinky Blues, it's slowly starting to go somewhere, bear with me. I'm not sure where it's going yet, but I assure you, it's going somewhere.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Pinky Blues part 8

To make up for the missed post yesterday, here then, on schedule, is Pinky Blues part eight.

Pinky Blues part 7

All right, I know it's been a while, but with trying to redo a major project to keep from failing a class, hanging out with my beautiful girlfriend and skinning various pertinant parts on the left side of my body in a bicycle wipe-out I've been slowed down. But here, finally, for anyone who still cares, is Pinky Blues part seven.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Elbow update

My elbow is doing better. My hand is a massive chunky scab. New comic soon.

Friday, July 8, 2005

no update

No updates today, and possibly tomorrow. Due to a bike wipe-out I skinned the palm of my left hand. (drawing hand) Bear with me, I should have more comics up by sunday or monday.

Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Pinky Blues part 6

Starting with this one, I'm having more fun with drawing the new strips I'm doing of Pinky Blues right now, so I hope that reflects in their quality. Hope you enjoy part six.

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Pinky Blues part 5

I was out at Joseph Bergin III's art show last night and was unable to complete part five of Pinky Blues in time to post it for Monday. But I posted on the weekend, so whatever. Here then, is part five. (sorry for how sloppy it is, I'm embarrassed.)

My Website


On a lot of computers a gray or bluish square appears behind the coat of arms, when that is meant to be a transparency. I'll try n fix it later. Also I messed up some CSS in the Links page and not all the pictures get bigger in the gallery. So, other than that this is it. And I sure hope you can just see the coat of arms on the real BG. something to do with Mac and PC crossover I think. fucking no-good piece of shit.

Sunday, July 3, 2005

The True Story of Easter

A Sunday-sized comic for youse today. Because I had too much time on my hands. Forgive the sloppiness and the lame jokes.

Saturday, July 2, 2005

Pinky Blues part 4

Don't expect weekend updates to be a regular occurence, but regardless, here's Pinky Blues part four.

Friday, July 1, 2005

Pinky Blues part 3

HAPPY CANADA DAY! You may now celebrate our Dominion day with part three of Pinky Blues. I'm not quite sure why I keep going on with this "story". I'll try n' wrap it up by next week.

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