Thursday, June 30, 2005

Pinky Blues part 2

Here's part two of Pinky Blues. STARTLING REVELATION! Well... not really.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Pinky Blues part 1

I was trying to do a simple 4 panel piece or something and I just had no punchline coming, and I kept going and going and it just turned into a kinda stupid li'l short story, so I've decided to serialize it. Here then is part ONE of Pinky Blues.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Another comic for today.

This one is autobio. I guess I've been doing a bit more slice-o-life crap lately. I'll get to weirder stuff again soon, I promise. Well, talking dogs is kinda weird... but you know what I mean.

Mutt Brand Dog Food

I did this up for a package design class. This is a low-rez, cropped, edited and english-only version. Mutt Brand also comes in Beef and Lamb & Rice flavours.

Barky the Dog in:

Forgive the sloppiness, I drew this at Reno's Restaurant over some afternoon breakfast and coffee.

Monday, June 27, 2005


here's a swatch of the repeating pattern being used for my upcoming portfolio site. Hidden within are my name, boobies and a vagina.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Website Sneak Peak

Here's a sneak peak at my soon-to-be-completed portfolio site. I created a pattern for the background, maybe I'll post a sample later. Anyway, here's the opening page Coat of Arms.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

So this is Heaven...

E-mail me or comment if you look at this blog at work and want no nudity please. I can be very accomodating, given I have little to no plans on putting up lots of nudity on here to begin with. Thanks.

Robin and Stephen are the only ones that voted, and they voted yes to boobs, so here's my vision of Heaven.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Get 'em when they're young.

I wanted to post my drawing of my vision of Heaven, but I'm conflicted between showing a drawing I'm proud of that happens to have tasteful camel toe and nipplage, or keeping this sketch blog work-safe. I'd love to hear feedback on this matter.

Vote for work-safe or tasteful nipply Heaven drawing in the comment box below, please. Thank you!

Zombie portrait

Friday, June 17, 2005

You are what you eat.

Hot off the drawing desk, just finished this one.

En Français, s'il vous plait.

Here's a brand spankin' new one. It's not great. But french makes it seem like it's better than it is.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Today I contributed to some Jam comics with Robin Bougie and Joseph Bergin III. I did panels 1 & 4, Robin did panels 2 & 6, and Joseph did panels 3, 5 and the amazing colours you see before you.

We did another one but it's sooooo far from being work safe... seriously... NOT work safe... it'll be on Robin's livejournal soon though.

Zombie Beach prelim

The drawing below is a rough panel for Zombie Beach, my in-the-works serialized Zombie/Relationship epic.

I've been working on thumbnails and rough plot breakdowns for almost 2 months now and I'll get it done at some point even if it kills me. I think this one is pretty good, I'm really happy with it so far. I just hope that I'm not the only one that will think so. At any rate, here's a taste, albeit a poorly scribbled one.

Ritz are to die for apparently.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Zombie Mischief

Cowboys & Aliens

Here's some sample stuff from my second film Cowboys and Aliens (circa 2002). It was intended to be a promo, but time constraints made it necessary to cut tons of good gags to keep the loosest story outline in.

I pitched it to Teletoon and Cartoon Network. Understandably there was no interest in it at the stage it was developed to. I was continuing with sketching it and coming up with ideas, when I read that Columbia Pictures announced it would be making a sci-fi western named... Cowboys and Aliens. Bastards.

The photoshop, and a lot of the BG definition was actually done by my good friend Gabriel Frizzera, however I drew them all. With a Sharpie.

Barnacle Blast cereal

Many have already seen this, but it doesn't need scanning so here she is.

More comics.

I wanted to start this sketch blog off with a bang, so here's some more new comics. I'll update stuff again later in the week. Probly not new stuff, but 99% of any viewers won't know the difference.

Feel free to comment in the comment box located below any post.

Moon Karma Zero

For over 2 and a half years my hometown friends and I have worked on posting completely useless webjunk. Check it out. You can kill hours checking the archives.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Laundry's so complicated...

the Mad Dr. O'Flaherty

The new comics I create, such as this one, (unless otherwise noted) I started without ever knowing the ending. It's like my new 'thing' to have no clue where I'm headed with anything.


Welcome friends and strangers. I'm Mike Myhre. I decided to make a sketch blog. One more excuse to procrastinate. There'll also be comics. My art is copyright. Don't use it unless you get my permission. Blah, blah, blah, threat, blah.

I'm working on a proper portfolio site at the moment, at which time I may or may not abandon this. This *would* be easier to update though.

I'll get the ball rolling with a Shaun of the Dead drawing, with piss-poor likenesses. I do like the way the colours turned out though.

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